Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 1 Reflection

Although this week did was not part of my original senior project plan, it was still very educational and applicable with my intended exercise science and premed major this coming fall. I started my week of on a great foot renewing my CPR certification and ended my week taping students and working on injury rehabilitation. I had been so concerned going into this week not knowing what I was going to do since I was unable to get into LRGH Orthopedics until this week, but Chris was awesome about helping find things I could do that still matched what I wanted to learn and helped me complete my goal of 15 hours for the week!
I would have to say the highlight of my week would be going into Concord Orthopedics on Wednesday and watching as the Doctor went through all the steps of H.O.P.S. that Chris had just taught me the previous afternoon, and although I felt bad for the patient, I must admit it was pretty cool to witness first hand a vasovagal reaction! The wasn't much of a downside of my week, although I couldn't be in the hospital I had a great time in the training room! I was able to learn a lot with Chris and Kelly that may not have been covered in the Doctor's office. I loved having the chance to learn and practice the technique of taping ankles, wrists, and sometimes mouths, two thumbs up for week one!


  1. Oh come on....Bones has nice things to say!

    1. Thank you Adam! Alicia doesn't appreciate my fun loving spirit.
